Upstanding: Stepping Up to Prevent Violence in Utah

Breakout Description:

Upstanding is a bystander intervention approach to the prevention of harm and violence among middle school, junior high, and high school students in Utah. This program will help participants better understand and learn the basics of bystander intervention!  Upstanding training prepares individuals and communities with the skills and knowledge to prevent and safely intervene in situations of harm and violence in their communities.  



Marty Liccardo

Marty serves as the Men's Engagement Specialist for the Utah Department of Health, coordinating statewide efforts to engage men in anti-violence work. Marty has been an anti-violence educator and activist for over 15 years. He has extensive experience speaking and training students, faculty, and staff at High Schools, colleges and universities around the US, as well as providing programming in the public and private sectors.  Marty provides in-depth and interactive presentations, programs, training, and keynote speeches. His unique style fuses humor and direct engagement to inform, guide, and support audiences into reflective critical thinking and active personal commitment.

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