Purpose and Meditation

Breakout Description: 

Meditation is a science, which means that the process of meditation follows a particular order, has definite principles, and produces results that can be verified.  Meditation is a word that has come to be used loosely and inaccurately in the modern world. That is why there is so much confusion about how to practice it.

We are taught how to move and behave in the outer world, but we are never taught how to be still and examine what is within ourselves. When we learn to do this through meditation, we attain the highest of all joys that can ever be experienced by a human being. All the other joys in the world are momentary, but the joy of meditation is immense and everlasting.


Jamie James

Jamie James has taught for 27 years for Weber School District.  She has taught at Weber High School for the last 13 years in the physical education and health science departments.  Jamie teaches Sports Medicine, EMR and for the last 8 years has taught  yoga as a certified yoga instructor.  She teaches over 100 hatha poses to the beginners of Yoga and in the more advanced Yoga II  class she introduces arm balances, chakras and the five elements of yoga; fire, air, earth, space and water.  Jamie also has experience as a 21 years certified athletic trainer who is employed with IHC.


1 comment:

  1. Positivity.
    It induces to maintain a more positive attitude towards life, accepting and facing your day-to-day challenges, even the most difficult ones, as part of your continuous

    process of personal growth, decreasing the propensity for negativity.


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